Exclusively distributed by Undefined Pictures: 
Fragments (2024)
A short film based on real-life events that follows a young lady, Jackie, on the tumultuous day that she discovers that her long-time friend, turned relentless stalker, Syd, has taken his own life, thrusting her into an emotional rollercoaster of grief, sadness, guilt, and an unexpected sense of relief.
Strings Attached (2024)
A short film based on real-life events about a mental health practitioner, Jackie, that finds herself trapped in a toxic and abusive relationship when her former partner, Raymond, resurfaces and weaves a web of control around her by manipulating every facet of her life. 
Mother Fish Trap (2024)
The tale of an ancient fishing technology that has been around for over 700 years and spans different countries and continents. This documentary focuses on three countries; Kenya, South Africa and Mozambique, and its contribution to sustainability of the environment and the communities that rely on it.
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